Did Moses Write The 10 Commandments On The 2nd Set Of Stone Tablets?

Did Moses write the Ten Commandments on the second set of stone tablets, or did God? Some Bible disputers point out what they say are two contradictory scriptures. They claim that one account says God wrote the Commandments on the … Continue reading

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What must I do to be saved? That’s a good question. It’s a question many have asked. I asked that question many years ago. So did the prison guard in Acts 16:30. Paul and Silas had been thrown into prison … Continue reading

The Old And New Covenant

The Bible tells of a covenant that God made with Israel around 4000 years ago. It also tells of a new covenant he made almost 2000 years ago. What’s the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? As … Continue reading

Santa Claus and Jesus

As I stood there staring into space, a full range of emotions flooded my entire soul. My heart pounded inside my chest as if it were trying to escape. Then it seemed to move upward into my throat. I could … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With Using Profanity?

Is there anything wrong with using profanity? Some say, yes. Some say, no. How do we know who’s right? How can we find the truth? Jesus said the word of God is truth (John 17:17). So, let’s see what God … Continue reading