The Road To Heaven

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’ve heard that quote all my life. In Matthew 7:13, Jesus said the road to hell is wide and there will be many people who find that road. He also said the road to heaven is narrow and not many people will find it. I don’t know about you, but I want to be on that narrow road that leads to heaven.

As we travel on the road to heaven, many times we get distracted by things on the sides of the road and sometimes we even leave the road in pursuit of those things. I’ve been a Christian for more than half my life now, but there have been times, in my walk with God, when I was not faithful to him, either by doing things that I shouldn’t have done or by not doing things that I should have.

I’ve often felt like just giving up, and a couple of times I all but did. At times I have felt like the duties of the Christian life were just too much for me to perform. The standard seemed so high that I could never reach it, much less maintain it. I WANTED to do right. I WANTED to be holy. I knew WHAT I should do, but, I didn’t always do it. I can relate to the Apostle Paul because I understand what he meant when he said, “For I know there is nothing good in me, that is, in my flesh. For I want to do what is right, but I do not have the ability to do it” (Romans 7:18).

I would look at other Christians who seemed to have it all together and say to myself, “I wish I could be like them.” I tried so hard to be a good person. I tried so hard to please God so I would be good enough to make it to heaven. I was trying to do all the right things for all the right reasons. Then I finally realized, that was the problem. I was trying to live a pure and holy life by my own strength.

When I saw what I was doing and started trusting more in God than in myself, things started moving in a positive direction. It’s all about a relationship with Jesus.

I’m writing a book called “The Journey To Heaven.” In the book, I will share some things that I believe will help every struggling Christian finish this race on the winning side. God has a plan for each of us. We just need to Stop! Look! and Listen!

The enemy knows this as well, so he will do everything he can to keep us from doing these three things. We need to examine the map that God has prepared for us. That map is the Bible. If we fail to follow His map, we WILL be lost. So let’s run this race together, and win it together. I’ll see you on the other side.

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