You Think It’s In The Bible But It’s Not

I’ve always found it frustrating when people miss-quote the Bible, but what was really frustrating was hearing people “quote the Bible” when what they were quoting wasn’t even in the Bible. I tried not to be too critical when letting them know their quote wasn’t there, but I was thinking, “They must not read the Bible much at all.”

The Bible is a big book and I’m sure not many people can quote the entire thing word for word, no matter how often they read it. I know I sure can’t, but I’ve made it a goal of mine to read it every day and study it as often as I can, so I think I know it better than some, but certainly not as well as others.

That being said, something interesting happened to me a few years ago. I was writing an article for my blog and was planning to end it with a certain “Bible quote” that I’ve heard all my life. But, I was surprised when I couldn’t find the scripture I was looking for. I was sure it was there, but where? Maybe I wasn’t quoting it exactly right. I searched for it using my favorite Bible study program on my computer, but still couldn’t find it. Then I searched for it on the internet and soon found the quote, but it wasn’t from the Bible at all. The quote is said to be from a preacher who lived in the 1500s named John Bradford.

There, but for the grace of God, go I” — John Bradford

I guess we know what we know, and we don’t know, what we don’t know. That may sound confusing or it may seem oversimplified. There’s a song that says, “Them that don’t know, don’t know they don’t know.” We know what we know, and the things we don’t know, we have no idea that we don’t know them. People are people and that fact will never change. “After all, we’re only human.” No matter who we are, we forget things we once knew, and we don’t always remember everything correctly.

For a while now, I’ve been planning to write an article about things people think are in the Bible but are not. I just never got around to it. I have a list I’ve been collecting, and I was planning to put them all in one article, but, I think I’ll tackle some of them separately. Since I’ve joined the ranks of people who have thought something was in the Bible that wasn’t, maybe I can write the articles without being too critical, or judgmental.  

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